Rafting in Oregon With ROW Adventures


ROW Adventures knows white water rafting, and has continued to broaden their scope ever since beginning in 1979. The Northwest is their primary domain, and they cover the territory with unsurpassed expertise.

Hells Canyon - Snake River

Cutting through the Oregon and Idaho border, the Snake River forms North America's deepest canyon. Hells Canyon is an impressive sight that is 2000 feet deeper than the Grand Canyon. One of America's favorite rafting journeys for its huge rapids, warm water, beautiful scenery and amazing wildlife. On our trip we will combine the world-class rapids with hikes to historic homesteads, Indian rock art and more!

  • Trip Length: 3-6 Days
  • Minimum Age: 7
  • Season: May-October
  • Intensity Level: Moderate

Rogue River

Blend wildlife and wilderness without the camping! The rogue river has a few lodges grandfathered into the wild and scenic river corridor where guests from the river are hosted with family style dining and private rooms. Choose from 3 or 4 days rafting on the Rogue River in Oregon. On the river you'll enjoy forest greenery and an abundance of wildlife from playful river otters to black bears, and eagles. Warm waters that have tumbled down the western slopes of the Cascade range invite you swim in calm stretches between Class II and IV rapids - of which there are plenty!

  • Trip Length: 3-4 Days
  • Minimum Age: 7
  • Season: May-September
  • Intensity Level: Moderate

Owyhee River

Flowing through the spectacular high desert scenery of eastern Oregon, a spring rafting trip on the Owyhee is brilliant with life. Flowers are blooming, birds are plentiful and the river is rushing. Few people run this river, so it offers unique opportunities for solitude and a true wilderness experience.

  • Trip Length: 4-7 Days
  • Minimum Age: 8-16
  • Season: April-May
  • Intensity Level: Moderate

Grande Ronde River

Hidden in the pine-clad mountains of northeast Oregon, the Grande Ronde is a gentle river with easy whitewater flowing through a verdant landscape. Perfect for families or those who want an easy introduction to rafting, the Grande Ronde flows from May to mid-July. Trips last from three to five days.

  • Trip Length: 3-5 Days
  • Minimum Age: 7
  • Season: June-July
  • Intensity Level: Mild-Moderate