Once you have a listing to describe your business and a list of trips you want to feature, it's time to drive traffic to your listings. This can happen on its own, as visitors browse the pages of RaftingAmerica, but if you want to ensure your offerings get noticed you can take advantage of ad placements on key pages throughout raftingamerica.com
The three rules of real estate: "location, location, location" apply to advertising on the pages of any website. The pages of RaftingAmerica.com will have different traffic volumes, such as the Home page. If you want to refine that traffic a little more, you'll want to promote your listings on only the pages relevant to your business. For example, if you have a great family rafting trip, you'd want to buy some ad space on the Families rafting page. Got a great multi-day trip to offer? Buy ad space on the Multi-Day-Trips page. Even more obvious would be to scoop up as much ad space as you can on a location or destination page relevant to your business.
Each page on RaftingAmerica.com will have a "grid" or "tile" layout that maximizes the billboard space, while dividing it into larger or smaller ad sizes. Each of these tiles is clickable - directly to your listings, or a featured article highlighting one of your trips, or directly to a page on your own website. The price for ad space "tiles" varies depending on page traffic volume, and the size of tile you purchase. Contact us for an evaluation of your individual opportunities.
Ad Space Tile prices are valued (and tiered) according to the average percentage of overall traffic they receive in a year.
Prices are listed as a month-to-month commitment.
Purchase a tile for a full year to get two months free!
Tier 1 Pages (16% - 20% of website entrances) EXAMPLE: Home Page
Premium Tile: $700 per month ($7k for full year)
Standard Tile: $500 per month ($5k for full year)
Tier 2 Pages (11% - 15% of website entrances) EXAMPLES: Families, Cost of Rafting, Whitewater Classifications
Premium Tile: $500 per month ($5k for full year)
Standard Tile: $350 per month ($3.5k for full year)
Tier 3 Pages (6% - 10% of website entrances) EXAMPLES: Certain state and regional pages with high search volume such as West Coast Rafting, Southeast.
Premium Tile: $350 per month ($3.5k for full year)
Standard Tile: $200 per month ($2k for full year)
Tier 4 Pages (3% - 5% of website entrances) EXAMPLES: Multi-Day Trips, Georgia, Wisconsin, Rocky Mountains, First Time Rafting, What to Wear
Premium Tile: $200 per month ($2k for full year)
Standard Tile: $100 per month ($1k for full year)
Tier 5 Pages (1% - 3% of website entrances) EXAMPLES: State or Regional pages with low search volume, etc.
Premium Tile: $100 per month ($1k for full year)
Standard Tile: $50 per month ($500 for full year)
The value of a well-written, keyword-driven article with specific backlinks from an authoritative site relevant to your business can be invaluable for years to come. Ask us about which dedicated article opportunities might be a great fit for you.
Email Newsletters continue to be a golden goose for driving traffic and sparking sales. Not every newsletter topic will be a fit for your business, and not every month will be the right time to sell what you want to be sold, but when you DO hit the right message, at the right time, to the right people it's marketing magic. We will reach out to all of our members with a content calendar for sign-ups.
You can be sure that those who have reached your listing on Rafting America are qualified leads, interested in rafting in YOUR location and type of adventure! Adding together the cost of your business listing, the cost per clicks received per month, and any promotions you add on, your total cost per year is typically less than other cost-per-click options like Google Ads. Traffic from Rafting America tends to behave just like organic traffic from Google.
Trusted Google Analytics reports come directly to your inbox each month, indicating the total clicks tallied from your listing(s).
Automatic ACH billing (like an electronic check) is the preferred method for payment. Credit card clients will incur a convenience fee of $1.25 per charge. Membership renews each year automatically.